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Lobel the Frog Pin

Lobel the Frog Pin

Regular price $20.00 CAD
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Lobel, with eyes deep, Would seldom sleep- For hollow as can be within, He masked the pain with a grin. He wanted not a single creature to mourn his sorrow, Far away he floats to the land of tomorrow. He'd prance with his long legs like a fool, To veil his depression like the thread of a spool. He'd spin and he'd spin and pirouette to the core, He'd spin and arabesque till he could no more. Sitting by the pond staring at his reflection, Sick and tired of the taste of his own deception. "It is time" he said softly, It is time to heal now. It is time to open up and reveal the sorrow- it is time to allow.

Protect the world from our darkness you say?, Why, on the contrary we Must show that is it natural and okay. It unites us beyond. It United all the creatures for an unbreakable bond. Lobel began to cry and fill the pond with tears once more. For peace shall come to end the dispute and war.  

Style: Cut-out hard enamel pins

Size: 2''

Metal: Silver

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