Upcoming Events

Yokai Market - Albany nights
A market like no other! Great booths and things to see.
Linn County Expo (Santiam Hall)
Albany Oregon

Red, White & Blue Riverfront Festival
4th of July in Corvalis, Oregon
Free Admission Family Event with fun stuff to do, tasty things to eat, and cool treasure to find.
Look for our booth!

Green Witch Collection Launch
May 1st
The debut collection that coincides with the launch of the Embersil store. Get something to express your inner wyld side with whimsical gifts from this magical collection.

Online Giveaway
Live! Winners will be selected May 16th
We are so excited to offer a giveaway to celebrate our store's launch! Entries will go until the Flower Moon on May 16th with two possible prizes and multiple ways to add chances to win.